Tested: Is Wix Good For SEO in 2024?

Wix has long had a bad rep for SEO. But is that bad rep still justified today? In this CMS series, we dig into the “out the box” on-page SEO of the world’s most popular CMS systems. We primarily focus on what you can (or can’t) do in ea...

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Rich Snippets: Everything You Need To Know

Want to learn how rich snippets can help you get more traffic from Google? You’re in the right place! In this guide, you’ll find out: how rich snippets will help your website stand out in today’s crowded search results, how to get...

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Core Web Vitals: Everything You Need To Know

Last updated on February 1, 2024. Core Web Vitals are a set of real-world website performance metrics that Google considers critical to user experience. And Google has repeatedly stated that they have a direct influence on search rankings. W...

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Revealed: Which CMS Is Best For SEO?

During the past months, we’ve been testing the SEO capabilities of the world’s most popular CMS systems. We’ve been revealing the results of our individual tests as we go. And it’s safe to say that some CMS systems performed better than ot...

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Tested: Is Joomla Good For SEO?

Last updated on February 1, 2022 This is the fifth post in our series where we test the on-page SEO of the world’s most popular CMS systems. We previously covered WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, and GoDaddy. This time we’re turning our atte...

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Tested: Is WordPress Good For SEO?

Last updated on February 1, 2022 This is the fourth post in our series where we test the on-page SEO of the world’s most popular CMS systems. So far we’ve focused on hosted CMS systems (namely Wix, Squarespace, and GoDaddy). In this arti...

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Tested: Is GoDaddy’s Website Builder Good For SEO?

Last updated on February 1, 2022 This is the third post in our series where we test the on-page SEO of the world’s most popular CMS systems. In parts 1 and 2 of the series, we tested Wix and Squarespace. The headlines: Wix offers decent contr...

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Tested: Is Squarespace Good For SEO?

Last updated on February 1, 2022 This is the second post in our series where we test the on-page SEO of the world’s most popular CMS systems. In part 1 we lifted the hood on Wix (conclusion: it’s getting better for SEO). This time out we’...

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How to write the Perfect SEO Meta Description

Read any guide to on-page SEO, especially snippet optimization, and writing a unique meta description for EVERY page on your site will be listed as a fundamental. But here’s the thing: It’s been a LONG time since meta descriptions were a di...

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